Christmas Impact

How will you make an impact for Christ This christmas?

Serve, share, shop, bake, pray, or partner; there are ways for everyone to be involved in Christmas Impact. 

Invite your family, coworkers, and neighbors to participate.  It’s not just a C3 thing; it’s a Christmas thing! 

Prayerfully consider how you will make an impact this Christmas.  

  • Pack an Operation Christmas Shoebox at home or online

    November 12 - 20

    Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan's Purse that shares the love of Christ with children around the world through the gift of a shoebox.  Shoebox gifts are delivered into the hands of children through local churches; every shoebox gift is an opportunity to share about Jesus Christ and God's love.  

    Use any shoebox you have or pack a shoebox online.  Either way, you will want to include a wow item, fun toys, hygiene items, and school supplies.  Think fun, full, and personalized!  Donate $10 for shipping and processing by placing a check to OCC in the box or donate online through Follow Your Box and discover the country destination of your shoebox!  

    Shoebox gift idea sheets, cardboard boxes, and labels are available in the main hall.  Be sure your packed box is returned by 9 a.m. on November 20.  

    Click for gift ideas and follow your box details.

  • Operation Christmas Child Drop-Off Volunteer

    November 13 - 20

    In 2020, Crosspointe became an Operation Christmas Child Drop-Off Location for our local community and Wayne County.  Shoeboxes are accepted at Crosspointe during specific hours each day during National Collection Week.  

    Drop-off locations are the first step in the journey of a shoebox.  As the local drop-off location in Grosse Pointe, we are blessed to collect shoeboxes and provide a transformational experience for each shoebox donor.  Our desire is that the shoebox gifts are collected in a way that the donor feels valued and has the opportunity to understand the eternal impact of their gift.  

    Volunteers are needed to greet shoebox donors, unload and count donated shoeboxes, and cartonize shoeboxes for the next step in their journey to a child around the globe.  This is a 2-hour commitment as many days as you'd like to volunteer during National Collection Week.

    Click to Volunteer at the C3 Drop-Off

  • Pack a shoebox at the c3 Packing Party

    November 14, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

    New for 2023, Crosspointe is hosting a Packing Party with the goal of filling 25 girl and 25 boy shoeboxes for ages 10 - 14. 

    To participate, sign up and make your donation online.  Then, on Tuesday, November 14, come ready to pack a personalized box from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.  This can be a family, individual, couple, or friend group project!  All ages and stages are invited.  

    At the packing party, decide if you are packing for a boy or a girl, visit stations to pick items, decorate your box, write a note, take a pic, pack your box, and pray over it.  

    A minimum donation of $20 is due at sign-up for each boy you plan to pack and covers the cost of the items inside and the follow-your-box shipping label. Everything you need to create a fun, full, personal box is provided at the Shoebox Packing Party!

    Click to Join the Shoebox Packing Party

  • Incarcerated youth ministries christmas cookie drive

    November 19 - 26

    Incarcerated Youth Ministries provides prayer visits, worship, and special events to youth in detention centers in Metro Detroit.  

    One of the special events offered is the annual Christmas Party featuring a selection of homemade baked Christmas treats.  Through the gift of a Christmas cookie, IYM has the opportunity to offer the True meaning of Christmas and a chance for some of the youth to taste and enjoy their very first homemade Christmas treat.  The Gospel message of Christmas is shared during the Christmas party while volunteers serve and interact with the youth.

    Homemade Christmas treats, including cookies, brownies, and cupcakes, are due to Crosspointe by Sunday, November 26.

    Click to volunteer to bake

  • LifeBUILDERS Stock the Christmas store toy drive

    November 26 - December 3

    LifeBUILDERS is a Christ-centered community of hope located on Detroit's east side.  They host a special Christmas Store for families allowing parents to shop at ultra-low or no cost for Christmas gifts.  Crosspointe partners with LifeBUILDERS to stock the toy section of the Christmas Store!  

    Suggested toys include sports items, craft & art supplies, card games, building sets, ethnic baby dolls, handheld games, board games, baby & toddler toys, models, action figures, science & STEM kits, and puzzles.  

    Deposit items in the green collection bins or visit the LifeBUILDERS Amazon wish list and have items shipped directly to LifeBUILDERS.

    Click for toy suggestions or shop the Amazon Wish List

  • Join OCC Processing center Mini-Mission Trip Team

    December 3 - 5

    Crosspointe will host a 3-day mini-mission trip at the Operation Christmas Child Processing Center in Aurora, Illinois.  The team will travel by C3 bus, leaving on Sunday afternoon, serving Monday and Tuesday at the processing center, and returning on Tuesday evening.  

    Before the millions of shoebox gifts collected each year can bring hope and joy to children worldwide, each one must be carefully inspected and made ready for international shipment by volunteers like you.  Volunteers are assigned to teams responsible for inspecting gifts, working with filler items, scanning labels, organizing boxes by age and gender into designated cartons, and more.  

    Participation in this mini-mission trip requires early registration and hotel reservation.  

    Click to join the Mini-mission trip team

  • Detroit Rescue Mission Essentials Drive

    For over 100 years, the Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries has been focused on rebuilding lives one at a time with the help of partners, donors, volunteers, and community groups.  

    You can impact the lives of those in need this Christmas by donating the following basic essential items:  warm knit caps, crew socks, sweatshirts (XL, 2XL, 3XL), hand lotion (pocket size), deodorant, soap, gloves, (not canvas), disposable razors, washcloths, tissue packs (pocket size), and Chapstick.

    Deposit items in the green collection bins or visit the DRMM Amazon wish list to shop online and have your items delivered for you.  Gift bags will be assembled and delivered to DRMM during the winter season.

    Click to shop the Amazon list