Welcome to crosspointe

Community and family at C3

Crosspointe Christian Church (C3) is a community of believers helping each other live out God's word in our lives. We show God's love by encouraging and caring for one another and others. A focus on families is essential to what we do. Wherever you are in your faith journey, we invite you to come and see if we can partner with you to help you know God more intimately, love Him more deeply, and serve Him more fervently.  

we look forward to meeting you

Whether you're completely new to church or just new to Crosspointe, we can't wait to meet you! Join us on Sunday for a service of music and teaching at either 9:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. Both services are the same, it just depends on your schedule.

If you are unable to worship with us on campus, Crosspointe streams both services live on our YouTube channel. 

 circleyoutube Watch Now!

it's all about jesus christ

At Crosspointe, we believe that the Bible is God's Word and that it it trustworthy and true. We believe salvation is redemption by Christ of the whole person from sin and death and is offered as a free gift by God to bridge the gap between our sinful broken self to a perfect and holy God. This gift must be received personally through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Through faith in Christ alone, the worst and most broken people become children of God and are forgiven.  

we want to help you Make Christ the Center of Your life

Our mission is to "help people make Christ the center of their lives." We do that by worshiping together, building relationships together, and also by learning and serving together. Crosspointe offers many opportunities to study God's word and grow in our knowledge of Him. You can learn more on our "Grow" page. To help our C3 family engage with other believers, we offer a selection of Community Groups and events on our "Connect" page. We also offer many ways to serve in Christ's name through our "Serve" page.

Meet Pastor Matt

View the link below for a video introduction to Crosspointe by the Senior Pastor, Matthew Swiatek. When you visit on Sunday, stop in the lobby after service to meet Pastor Matt in person.
He has a small gift for you...a way to say, "Thanks for stopping by!"