What To Expect

a typical sunday at crosspointe


8:30 a.m.  |  10:00 a.m.  |  11:30 a.m.

Children's Programs available birth - 4th Grade

Regular worship services are at 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. each Sunday.  Both services are the same and offer
a time of singing and teaching.  Services are held in the worship center located just inside the main entry
doors (Entrance B) on the main level.  


  • What Do i wear?

    Be comfortable!  Our staff can be found in jeans and button down shirts most Sundays.  Attenders will be dressed in everything from jeans to dresses and shorts to suits.  At Easter and Christmas you will find photo ops, so some will dress up a bit!  If dressing up enhances your worship experience, we invite you to polish up your dress shoes and wear them. If you are more focused on the message when you are in sandals and a t-shirt, please feel comfortable enough to wear them.   

  • Where do i park?

    The main parking lot is located to the east of the church building.  The main lot offers a covered drop off area (Entrance D) on the side of the building as well as a barrier free entrance with elevator access (Entrance C) for your convenience.  Handicap accessible parking and ramp entry are also located at the main entrance (B) on 8 Mile Road on the front of the building.  

  • where do i go?

    If you are entering from the main entry doors (Entrance B), you will enter the lobby and the worship center doors will be on one side and the gathering space doors will be on the other.  If you are entering from the parking lot (Entrance C or D), follow the main hall to the worship center lobby.  The doors for the worship center will be opened shortly before each service starts.  While you are waiting for services to begin, please visit the gathering space for a complementary cup of coffee or tea and a donut or bagel.  If you ever find yourself in need of direction, just look for a friendly face wearing a Guest Services badge.  These folks are trained to get you where you need to be or know who to ask!


  • what about my kids?

    The lower level at is called The Grove and is dedicated to Children and Student Ministry.  The Grove is a great place for kids to grow in their faith in age appropriate spaces designed just for them.  Children birth through grade 4 are invited to participate in the Crosspointe Kids programs.  Children grade 5 - 12 are invited to participate in the ROOTED Student Ministry programs.  

  • Crosspointe Kids (Birth - Grade 4)

    Crosspointe Kids (Birth - 4th Grade) will need to be checked in at the Children's Check-In Kiosk located at the side entry doors off of the parking lot. Parents register their children at the kiosk and upon check in each week will be given three tags: one for the child to wear, one for the classroom teacher for attendance, and one for security that the parent will use as identification when they pick-up their child. Crosspointe Kids programs are located on the lower level and are available during both the 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services.

  • ROOTED Student Ministry (Grade 5 - Grade 12)

    ROOTED Student Ministry programs are for young people in grades 5 -12 and do not require check-in at the kiosk. ROOTED classes for middle school and high school students meet during the 11:00 a.m. service on the lower level.


  • what is the atmosphere like?

    The Crosspointe worship center is a unique mix of traditional architecture and modern convenience. The building was originally constructed over 60 years ago and includes beautiful stained glass windows and a pipe organ. The worship music lyrics are delivered on screens instead of hymnals. Bibles are available to follow along in or you may connect to the public wi-fi if you use a bible app instead.

  • what is the service like?

    The service usually begins with the worship band leading in a few praise songs. There will be announcements,  and then additional worship songs. The Senior Pastor, Matt Swiatek, and the Associate Pastor, Jason Coplen, take turns teaching. Their message for the week usually lasts about 20-30 minutes. The complete service lasts about an hour.

  • Adult bible Studies

    Adult Bible Studies are offered during both worship services. The Sunday morning two-hour format allows for worship during one hour and the option to join a bible study during the other.  The Worship services are the same both hours while the classes are different.  Choose a class of interest and join the worship service the opposite hour.  Visitors are welcome and encouraged to learn more about Sunday Adult Bible Studies and other class offerings throughout the week.

  • Still Not Sure?  Talk with Pastor Matt or Pastor Jason

    You are encouraged to call the church at 313.881.3343 or send an email to connect with Pastor Matt or Pastor Jason to learn more about Crosspointe.