Serve The World

Missions:  Our Samaria

Mark 16:15 instructs us to "go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to all creation."  Crosspointe strives to reach as many for Christ as possible through partnerships with national and international agencies that send missionaries into all areas of the world as well as training and sending mission teams from the Crosspointe family.   

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From Crosspointe Mission Partners


    Crosspointe supports the Christar workers who are serving by focusing on the least-reached regions of world: areas where people have no access to a church that presents the gospel in their language and in a culturally relevant way.  Christar workers participate by planting churches in these least-reached communities, where He is yet to be worshiped.

  • Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA)

    Founded in 1931, CMDA provides programs and services supporting its mission to "change hearts in healthcare."  CMDA promotes positions and addresses policies on healthcare issues; conducts overseas medical education and evangelism projects; coordinates a network of Christian healthcare professionals for fellowship and professional growth; sponsors student ministries in medical dental, PA, and other healthcare training schools; distributes educational and inspirational resources; hosts marriage and family conferences; provides developing world missionary healthcare professionals with continuing education resources; and conducts academic exchange programs overseas. By being the "hands of Jesus" to needy people, CMDA seeks to fulfill His Great Commandment (Matthew 22:39; 25:36) and His Great Commission (Matthew 28:19).  Crosspointe supports the work of John Bayon as he has serves as the Area Director of CMDA in Michigan.

  • CRU

    Cru was founded as Campus Crusade for Christ in 1951, when Bill and Vonette Bright began the ministry on the UCLA campus. Today, Cru offers spiritual guidance, resources and programs tailored for people from all cultures in every walk of life through many diverse outreaches, including: campus ministries, marriage and family outreach, athletic outreaches, military ministries and The Jesus Film Project. Missionaries for Cru are working on the Jesus Film Project to facilitate the translation of the film into new languages and tirelessly pursue sharing the Good News with all in their own language. 

    Ever wonder about the history of CRU?  Learn more with this video.

  • Global Gates

    Relationships flow back and forth through gateway cities to unreached peoples on the other side of the globe, making the world a smaller place. Global migration and technological advancements have spawned a new era in pioneer missions, creating unprecedented opportunities to take the gospel to the ends of the earth through the gateways provided within our own cities.  Crosspointe partners with Global Gates to support missionaries positioned in a gateway city in Canada.  

    What is Global Gates?  Watch their video to learn more.

  • Hispanics for christ

    Hispanics for Christ is a ministry focused on planting Hispanic churches. HFC provides vision casting, strategic planning and coaching for church planters in the Americas. HFC currently has church planters in the United States, Mexico, Paraguay and Argentina, and are initiating new works in the U.S., Mexico, and El Salvador. Through planned giving, Crosspointe supports the work and workers of HFC with a focus on missions rooted in Paraguay.

    HFC director, Geoff Hartt co-founded Hispanics for Christ with Jorge Osorio in 2004. He has planted churches and trained pastors in Mexico, South America, and Africa. 

    Alcides Gonzales is a field coordinator for HFC serving in San Lorenzo, Paraguay. Alcides completed studies at Word of Life Bible Institute in Buenos Aires in 1992. He started out overseeing local Bible clubs in Paraguay and became the pastor of Iglesia Cristiana Evangelica Florida in 1995. In 2010 he started an orphanage to serve a needy community, and is now focusing on planting new churches across Paraguay.

    Maximo Toledo is a Pastor working out of Iglesia Florida, in Paraguay. Pastor Maximo uses training materials from the local Bible Training Center and takes the classes out to the rural areas to deliver training to pastors. Pastor Maximo is one of three teachers equipping the rural pastors. He works with Alcides and is able to do this with the partnership and support of Crosspointe. This is an example of the fruit these church partnerships can produce.

    Crosspointe also supports Luis and Zoila Garcia as they equip leaders and disciple children in conjunction with HFC and AWANA Latino America.

  • Jesus Film Project

    The Jesus Film, has been shown in over 1,300 languages on every nation in the world.  More than 490 million people have come to Jesus after watching these films!  Crosspointe partners with the Jesus Film Project annually to help fund the translation of the Jesus Film into additional languages.  The Jesus Film Project includes an app, numerous online video resources, dvd and blue-ray versions, and an animated series to reach people where they are at in their own language.  

    Learn about the app, videos, and more watching this video from Jesus Film.

  • North American Baptist Conference

    Crosspointe is a member of the North American Baptist (NAB) Conference of churches. The desire of North American Baptist Mission is to equip missionaries for service at home and internationally. The NAB not only sends individuals but also partners with Christ-centered organizations that have "feet on the ground" serving and ministering to those in need. Crosspointe supports NAB Missions through conference giving and direct donations to NAB supported missionaries.  

  • Olive Crest Foster

    Every 10 seconds in our country, a report of child abuse is made. And, every day…five children die from abuse. These numbers are tragic. And they are very real. Olive Crest fights every day to stop the cycle of child abuse, and to see to it that every child that comes into their care is nurtured in a strong and loving family. Crosspointe is partnered with Anna Thompson as she serves with Olive Crest.  Anna grew up calling Crosspointe her home church.  She currently serves with Olive Crest in Tacoma, Washington.  Crosspointe partners with Olive Crest through budgeted support and special giving to serve children and families in foster care and the adoption process.  

    Learn more about Olive Crest watching the Who We Are video.

  • SEND International

    SEND International partners with churches to send missionaries from many nations to the unreached in Asia, Europe, Eurasia, and North America.  Crosspointe is partnered with SEND to support Jim and Marissa Stamberg serving in Alaska where Jim serves as Assistant Area Director.  Jim oversees the Church planting ministries in Alaska and Canada, as well as the Anchorage-based Logistics and Support Team.  To learn more about their life and ministry, check out their ministry blog:

    Click to learn more about SEND International.

  • Su Refugio

    Su Refugio, "His Refuge" provides for orphans and widows in distress, sharing God’s transformational love and hope in Paraguay, Peru, and Argentina.  Crosspointe partners with Su Refugio to serve orphans and widows in Paraguay, Peru, and Argentina.  The cornerstone of Su Refugio ministry lies within rescuing abandoned and abused children and placing them into the comprehensive care of their Children’s Home in Paraguay. The Su Refugio feeding program, provides much more than a meal to kids in need. It is a holistic program designed to reach the hearts and souls of children who are in need. Su Refugio also fosters a program designed to provide a platform and Christ-centered community that equips and enables women and children to go places they never imagined possible.   

    Click to let Su Refugio introduce you to their Equip, Feed, and Rescue programs.

  • the salt network

    There are over 400 major universities across North America.  Salt Network's goal is to see a thriving church and college ministry established in all of these major university centers.  The Salt Network is working to see churches planted, communities strengthened, and Gospel witness extended to the ends of the earth. In particular, we strategically partner to plant churches in global university centers.  Crosspointe partners with Dwight and Bonnie Peterson through Salt Network to support their work in the lives of young people through The Capital Church serving students in the Columbus Ohio near the OSU campus.  

    Learn more about the vision of The Salt Network in Columbus by watching this video.

  • The Voice of the Martyrs

    The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a nonprofit, interdenominational missions organization that serves persecuted Christians around the world. Founded in 1967 by Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, VOM is dedicated to inspiring believers to deepen their commitment to Christ and to fulfill His Great Commission — no matter the cost.  Crosspointe is partnered with VOM through budgeted giving.  

    Click to learn more about VOM including signing up for newsletters and free resources.

  • Wycliffe

    Imagine opening your bible and every word is unreadable because you don't know the language it is written in.  It's hard to fathom, but this is still true for many globally.  Wycliffe missionaries are placed in country to work with native speakers to translate the scriptures into local language and dialects.  Crosspointe supports the Kidwell's, missionaries serving as linguists in Mexico.  

    What is Bible translation all about?  It's a team effort highlighted in this short video highlighting the work of Wycliffe.